
Free download dragon naturally speaking 10
Free download dragon naturally speaking 10

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Talk to fill out online applications, registration forms, shopping check-out fields and more.Įnter and check class schedules, client meetings, kids’ activities and other calendar appointments by voice. Speak into a chat client instead of typing. Take voice notes on the go by dictating into a digital voice recorder or smartphone for later transcription.Įnter frequently used text or graphics into a document with a voice command.Įmail by dictating, editing and sending messages using your voice. Search the Web to find facts, figures and images for inclusion in assignments and documents. Author's reviewĭictate, edit and format letters, articles, papers, essays, spreadsheets, presentations, reports and more.

free download dragon naturally speaking 10

And of course, the functionality in Dragon NaturallySpeaking is not limited to dictation: you can also control the computer with your voice: open and close apps, browse the web, view files, and more.ĭragon NaturallySpeaking is, in other words, like one of those amazing voice-controlled computers you see in movies, only that this time it’s on your own PC!ĭragon NaturallySpeaking is an amazing voice recognition tool that lets you control the computer with your voice and dictate texts in any application. Just talk naturally, and it’ll pick it up.ĭragon NaturallySpeaking is seamlessly embedded in Windows, which means that as long as you have it running, you can start dictating in any application, from Notepad to Firefox. and the best thing about Dragon NaturallySpeaking is that you don’t need to speak to the computer as if you were a robot. The interface is reduced to a small bar from which you can access all the main tools and functions: dictation, reading text aloud, improving accuracy, managing commands and vocabulary. Also, the program isn't 100% accurate – something that we expected anyway – but its percentage of right words in dictation still remains certainly impressive.Īfter training Dragon NaturallySpeaking, the program is quite intuitive and easy to use. The main drawback to Dragon NaturallySpeaking, like with any other voice recognition program, is that it requires some long, boring training – based mainly on reading texts to the computer.

Free download dragon naturally speaking 10