
Tell me why i shouldn't end it
Tell me why i shouldn't end it

You must get out of that job as fast as you can without jumping from the frying pan into the fire! Your coworker James had good advice for you. Now you look like an enemy to poor, fearful Ruth.

tell me why i shouldn

Fear and hostility are two sides of the same coin. If Ruth is fearful anyway, your disclosure could only be expected to increase her fear level. Now she undoubtedly sees you as a disloyal employee who doesn't appreciate all the wonderful things she's done for you (whether she's ever done anything for you or not)! Ruth has no incentive to help you advance. There was no benefit to you in telling Ruth about the two headhunters who called you. If seeing you move up to a new position would hurt Ruth or if she thinks it would hurt her, then she will never be your advocate. So what if getting promoted would be good for you, the bank and its customers? None of that matters when you're dealing with a fearful manager. In her mind, your departure would be 100% bad news. For you to advance, you would probably have to leave her department. Ruth likes you just where you are, as she told you through her own lips.

tell me why i shouldn

When your manager disappoints you by failing to do something you want them to do, the first question to ask yourself is "How would it help my manager to give me what I want?" Sign up here to get top career advice delivered straight to your inbox every week. Subscribe To The Forbes Careers Newsletter

Tell me why i shouldn't end it